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I.语法、词汇。从ABCD四个选项中,选出一个正确答案,并将所选答案的字母填在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。(本大题共15小题, 每小题1分,共15)

1. He deserved ________ the prize for writing such an amazing short story. I don’t understand his not receiving the award.

 A. winning                                                    B. having won

 C. to win                                                      D. to have won

2. Hard ________ he tried, he was unable to meet the deadline for the term paper.

 A. although                                                   B. as

 C. if                                                             D. since

3. ________, a man who can express himself effectively is likely to succeed more rapidly than those who can’t.

 A. Other things to be equal                              B. Were other things equal

 C. To be equal to other things                          D. Other things being equal

4. There she spent her days in a bare, gray-walled room lined ________ small boxes, where the orphans kept whatever playthings they had.

 A. by                                                            B. with

 C. for                                                           D. over

5. Hearing aids make ________ possible for people with hearing problems to use the telephone and even to listen to music.

 A. that                                                          B. what

 C. it                                                              D. which

6. “Appearance is essential,” he said. Each morning he put on clean socks, ________ trousers and a fresh white shirt.

 A. pressed                                                     B. pressing

 C. presses                                                     D. press

 7. If you try to chase two rabbits at the same time, you will not catch ________ one.

 A. each                                                          B. any

 C. neither                                                       D. either

 8. Parents should learn to explain their feelings to the child so that the child can realize the ________ of his or her behaviour on them.

 A. result                                                        B. affect

 C. importance                                                D. impact

 9. When children approach their teens, they become more ________ of their appearance.

 A. conscious                                                 B. suspicious

 C. ambitious                                                  D. conscientious

10. The steps ________ up to her house were a great barrier, and carrying groceries was almost impossible for her.

 A. running                                                     B. moving

 C. leading                                                      D. setting

11. Research in the social science focuses on problems of individuals in contexts such as family, work setting, and society ________.

 A. in principle                                                B. at large

 C. in short                                                     D. at all

12. People were ________ when the boy said that the kangaroo, resting on its hind legs and its large tail, had five legs.

 A. amused                                                     B. moved

 C. puzzled                                                     D. surprised

13. TV may make people less happy with what they have, for they see a world that ________wealth.

 A. criticizes                                                   B. exaggerates

 C. analyses                                                    D. describes

14. The upside-down catfish is the only fish that ________ swims on its back.

 A. habitually                                                  B. traditionally

 C. commonly                                                D. randomly

15. Intellectual-property experts are trying to ________ new models that will allow the film industry to survive downloading.

 A. come up with                                            B. come across

 C. come out of                                              D. come upon



Those who have a strong love for climbing high and difficult mountains are often looked upon with astonishment. Why are men and women  16  to suffer cold and hardship, and to  17 on high mountains? This astonishment is caused, probably, by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activity  18  men give their leisure.

Mountaineering is a sport and not a game. There are no man-made rules, as there are for such games as golf and football. There are rules of a different kind which it would be dangerous to  19 , but it is this freedom from man-made rules  20  makes mountaineering interesting to many people. Those who climb mountains are free to use their own methods.

If we compare mountaineering with other more  21  sports, we might think that one big difference is that mountaineering is not a “team game”. We should not be  22  in this. There are, 23 , no “matches” between “teams” of climbers, but when climbers are on a  24  linked by a rope on which their lives may  25 , there is obviously teamwork.

The mountain climber knows that he may have to fight forces that are stronger and more powerful than man. He has to fight the forces of  26 . This sport requires high physical and mental  27 .

A mountain climber continues to improve in skill year after year. A skier is probably  28  his best by the age of thirty, and most international tennis champions are in their early twenties. But it is not  29  for men of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mountains. They may take more time than younger men but they probably climb with more skill and less  30  of effort. They certainly experience equal enjoyment.

16. A. forbidden                  B. willing                   C. reluctant              D. forced

17. A. take risks                  B. take shelter             C. make fortunes      D. make peace

18. A. in that                       B. so that                   C. for which             D. to which

19. A. break                        B. follow                    C. deal with              D. set up

20. A. what                         B. it                           C. that                     D. which

21. A. ignored                     B. examined               C. practiced              D. discussed

22. A. misunderstood           B. mistaken                C. disappointed          D. disturbed

23. A. in short                     B. up to now              C. of course             D. on one hand

24. A. trip                           B. cliff                       C. stage                   D. step

25. A. depend                      B. decide                    C. build                    D. base

26. A. nature                       B. universe                 C. world                  D. environment

27. A. certainty                    B. safety                    C. quantities             D. qualities

28. A. off                            B. after                      C. behind                 D. past

29. A. unclear                      B. unusual                  C. unlike                  D. unfair

30. A. storage                      B. concern                 C. waste                  D. usage



31. And you would not be alone, because pollsters have found that people today do not choose political leaders who shape history for their “Most Admired” list, but rather movie and television celebrities, fashion models, professional athletes, and even comic book and cartoon characters.

 A. people today do not respect political figures most...

 B. people today do not believe history is influenced by politics...

 C. people today look up to historic figures rather than political ones...

 D. people today do not depend on political leaders to make up their minds...

32. We are slaves to nothing but the clock.

 A. We try to keep the clock correct.

 B. We follow our time schedule closely.

 C. We never have enough time to work.

 D. We work for everything except the clock.

33. I should never have selected a business career if I had been permitted to choose.

 A. To be a businessman was not what I really wanted for my career.

 B. To choose a career other than business was not so promising for me.

 C. I could have made a better choice in career if I had been more flexible.

 D. I could have been more successful in business if I had had a better chance.

34. “We’ve got to believe it. We can’t afford not to.”

 A. We would believe it if we could.

 B. We should believe it at any price.

 C. We won’t take the risk of not believing it.

 D. We won’t allow any hesitation in believing it.

35. There is abundant luxury in the room but a minimum of taste.

 A. Things in the room look expensive, but show poor taste.

 B. Although it is neat and clean, the room doesn’t seem comfortable.

 C. Despite its attractive surroundings, the room lacks relaxing atmosphere.

 D. The room offers a quite impersonal feeling even though it is very spacious.

36. She had wakened with a slight fever, just bothersome enough to keep her home from her job in a war plant.

 A. Her fever was so troublesome that she lost her job.

 B. She had to quit her job and stayed home because of her fever.

 C. She had a slight fever, which made her work at home difficult.

 D. Her fever was not serious but it gave her an excuse not to go to work.

37. Remembering other and larger countries, we see at once that one of its charms is that it is immensely varied within a small range.

 A. though it is charming, it is too small.

 B. both its size and its scenery vary a lot.

 C. it is more beautiful than larger countries.

 D. it is not large but offers a variety of scenery.

38. You are a stimulant for me to become more fully what I might become, and my loving enhances your being as well.

 A. your nature makes me love you more.

 B. my love for you can cure your disease.

 C. I have to love you more so that you can grow fully.

 D. you will also become a better person because I love you.

39. If you think I’m going to raise a good-for-nothing, you’ve got another think coming.

 A. How could you consider the suggestion I put forward as useless?

 B. You’d better think carefully before you make comments on my idea.

 C. You’d better stop expecting me to bring up a lazy and irresponsible child.

 D. How could you doubt my ability to provide a proper education to my child?

40. In strict truth an invention is almost never the sole product of any one mind.

 A. It is clear that too many people are involved in an invention.

 B. Strictly speaking, an invention never comes from a single person.

 C. The truth is that an invention needs almost everyone’s participation.

 D. It is true that no man’s achievement can be regarded as an invention.



Passage 1

Astronaut selection is critically important to make a mission successful. It requires individuals who are capable of dealing with isolation from family and friends, crowded living conditions, great pressure to succeed and extreme danger.

What are the criteria for an ideal astronaut? Generally, a person must be athletic and must possess both technical and interpersonal skills. Technical skills are particularly important. Astronauts need to be able to competently carry out scientific and technical tasks during the mission. They must be capable of taking accurate measurements and making observations while living in a weightless environment.

Interpersonal skills are also critically important. Studies have shown that ideal astronauts are people who can be either introverts (内向的人) or extroverts. Introverts tend to be withdrawn, which helps them put up with isolation from family and respect the privacy of others. On the other hand, extroverts are outgoing and provide social stimulation for a crew. Both character types are necessary for different reasons. There are many seemingly contradictory traits that astronauts should possess: introverted yet at times extroverted, leaders yet capable of being led, and so on. An astronaut’s ability to adapt to different situations is most important.

As the duration of space missions increases, human factors become even more important. A manned mission to Mars would require a compatible crew that would ensure mission success, and of course, mission safety. Behavioral studies have been conducted in space analogs, which are environments similar to the confinement and isolation of space. These studies have shown that long periods of isolation can lead to sleep disturbances, emotional instability and depression - all

things that would disrupt the work performance of a crew of astronauts. In order to minimize the chances of such conditions developing, the selected crew must get along extremely well. Easier said than done.

Scientists at NASA used the analogy (类比) of a jigsaw puzzle to describe the relationship of a crew of astronauts. The members of space crews bear a certain resemblance to the pieces in jigsaw puzzles: what is important is not so much the shape and color of each individual piece, but the way the different pieces fit together. There has been much debate over how a space crew for a potential mission to Mars should be selected, but currently a three-phase system is favored. In this selection process, the first phase is selecting a large group of people who satisfy the needed technical skills. The second phase is to pick out the individuals with the best interpersonal skills. The third phase is to group the individuals into mini-crews and then monitor those crews for compatibility as they undergo training for a mission. Finally, the most well-formed, smoothly-functioning crew of astronauts is selected as the best crew for the mission.

Astronaut selection is a difficult process. Many potential candidates nearly perfect for the job are rejected because of minor details. However, if you dream of becoming an astronaut, don’t be discouraged by the odds. If the job description of an astronaut appeals to you, and you feel you have the “right stuff” for the job, then reach for the stars. In this case, the sky is not the limit.

41. An ideal astronaut is a person who ________.

 A. respects others’ privacy

 B. is sociable and outgoing

 C. adapts easily to different situations

 D. is withdrawn from family and friends

42. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “compatible” in the fourth paragraph?

 A. gentle                                                       B. stable

 C. competitive                                               D. cooperative

43. Which of the following statements is true?

 A. Astronauts like to play Jigsaw puzzles in their spare time.

 B. Jigsaw puzzles are commonly used for astronaut training.

 C. The shape and color of jigsaw pieces are attractive to astronauts.

 D. The relationship of an astronaut crew is similar to that of jigsaw pieces.

44. The first phase of selecting the best crew for a mission to Mars is picking out those ______.

 A. with good interpersonal skills

 B. with excellent physical qualities

 C. who function well together as a group

 D. who can perform many scientific tasks

45. What might be a proper title for the passage?

 A. The Ideal Astronaut

 B. A Manned Mission to Mars

 C. Astronauts and Jigsaw Puzzles

 D. Interpersonal Skills of Astronauts

Passage 2

In the States, each fall a new crop of first-year college students, wavering between high hopes for the future and intense anxiety about their new status, scan college maps searching for their classroom. They have been told repeatedly that college is the key to a well-paying job, and they certainly don’t want to support themselves by flipping hamburgers or working at some other dead-end job. So, notebooks at the ready, they await what college has in store. Unfortunately many of them will not return after the first year. Why do so many students leave? There are several reasons. Some find the academic program too hard, others lack the proper study habits or motivation, and a large group leave for personal reasons.

Not surprisingly, the academic shortcomings of college students have strong links to high school. In the past, a high-school student who lacked the ability or desire to take a college-preparatory course could settle for a diploma in general studies and afterward find a job with decent pay. Now that possibility scarcely exists, so many poorly prepared students feel compelled to try college. Getting accepted by some schools isn’t difficult. Once in, though, the student who has taken nothing beyond general mathematics, English, and science faces serious trouble when confronted with freshman composition, and biological or physical science. Most colleges do offer courses and other assistance that may help some weaker students to survive. In spite of everything, however, many others find themselves facing ever-worsening grade-point averages and either fail or just give up.

Like academic shortcomings, poor study habits have their roots in high school, where even average students can often breeze through with a minimum of effort. In many schools, outside assignments are rare and so easy that they require little time or thought to complete. To accommodate slower students, teachers frequently repeat material so many times that slightly better students can grasp it without opening their books. And when papers are late, teachers often don’t mark them down. This “kindness” produces students who can’t or don’t want to study, students totally unprepared for the rigorous demands of college. There, courses may require several hours of study each week in order to be passed with even a “C.” In many programs, outside assignments are commonplace and demanding. Instructors expect students to grasp material after one explanation, and many won’t accept late papers at all. Students who don’t quickly develop disciplined study habits face a flood of low grades and failure.

Poor student motivation worsens faulty study habits. Students who thought high school was boring find even less attraction in the more challenging college offerings. Lacking any commitment to do well, they shrug off assigned papers, skip classes, and avoid doing required reading. Over time, classes gradually shrink as more and more students stay away. With final exams upon them, some return in a last-ditch effort to save a passing grade, but by then it is too late. Eventually, repetition of this situation forces the students out.

46. Which of the following is true of first-year college students?

 A. They have been forced to go to college.

 B. They have mixed feelings about their college life.

 C. Few of them are confident about their past achievements.

 D. They believe college can guarantee them well-paying jobs.

47. Students’ performance in college ________.

 A. decides their work habits in the future

 B. indicates their academic score in the past

 C. shows their expectations for future career

 D. reflects what they have experienced in high school

48. Many college students drop out in their first year because ________.

 A. they can’t get enough help in college

 B. their efforts bring them embarrassment

 C. their study in college is getting no better

 D. they prefer other ways to acquire knowledge

49. In order to prepare their students for college, high school teachers ________.

 A. should not mark their late papers

 B. should force them to study long hours

 C. should help them develop good study habits

 D. should not explain the course materials in detail

50. Which of the following can best explain the words “shrug off” in the last paragraph?

 A. forget                                                       B. ignore

 C. delay                                                        D. hate



51. The first element of success is the ________ to succeed. (determine)

52. Anger is a momentary ________, so control your passion or it will control you. (mad)

53. To be a(n) ________, one needs profound knowledge as well as a very vivid imagination. (invent)

54. One ________ of a carpenter is to have good tools, which add to his skill, confidence, and pleasure in owning them. (require)

55. People who leave home in the morning slamming doors behind them are likely to be less ________ than those who leave home with a smile. (product)

56. Children may go on the trip only with the permission of their parents or ________. (guard)

57. The rescuers succeeded in bringing out all victims ________ in the coalmine accident. (live)

58. Universities offer fellowship to ________ research in basic theoretical studies. (courage)

59. Your vacation on this beautiful island will be ________ without a meal of delicious seafood. (complete)

60. Mobile homes can be moved from place to place, but they are now usually designed for ________ living at one location. (round, year)










Topic: What do you think of the Wade family’s principles in the text “First Principles”? Use the following questions as an outline:

 1) What are the family’s first principles?

 2) How did the family overcome their difficulties, using their principles?

 3) How would you comment on the family and their principles?

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  • 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柣鎴eГ閸ゅ嫰鏌涢幘鑼槮闁搞劍绻冮妵鍕冀閵娧呯厑闂佸搫妫欑划宥夊Φ閸曨喚鐤€闁圭偓娼欏▍銏㈢磽娴g瓔鍤欐俊顐g箞瀵鈽夐姀鐘栥劍銇勯弮鍌氬付妞ゎ偀鏅濈槐鎺楁倷椤掆偓閸斻倖銇勯鐘插幋鐎殿喖顭锋俊鎼佸Ψ閵忊剝鏉搁梻浣虹《濡狙囧疾濠婂懐鎳呮繝鐢靛Х椤h棄危閸涙潙纾婚柛娑樼摠閺咁亪姊婚崒姘悙妞わ妇鏁诲濠氭晲婢跺﹦顔掗梺鎯ф禋閸嬪懎鐣烽幎鑺モ拺闁革富鍘藉▍鏇炩攽椤旂偓鏆┑锛勬暬瀹曠喖顢涘☉娆愮彆闂備胶枪缁绘帡宕㈣椤㈡棃鏁撻敓锟�

  • 婵犵數濮烽弫鍛婃叏閻戣棄鏋侀柟闂寸绾剧粯绻涢幋娆忕労闁轰礁顑嗛妵鍕箻鐠虹儤鐎鹃梺鍛婄懃缁绘﹢寮婚悢铏圭<闁靛繒濮甸悘宥夋⒑閸濆嫭鍣虹紒璇茬墦瀵寮撮悢椋庣獮闂佸壊鍋呯换鍌涚珶閺傚簱鏀介柣鎰綑閻忕喖鏌涢妸銉хШ闁诡喒鈧枼妲堥柕蹇ョ磿閸橀亶姊洪崫鍕偍闁告柨鐭傞悰顔碱潨閳ь剟寮婚埄鍐ㄧ窞閻忕偞甯掔紞濠囧灳閺冨牆绀冩い鏂挎瑜旈弻娑㈠焺閸愮偓鐣跺銈庡亜濞差厼顫忛搹鍦煓闁割煈鍣崝澶娾攽閿涘嫬浠╂俊顐㈠閹箖鎮滅粵瀣櫌闂佸憡娲﹂崜姘枍閵忋倖鈷戦悹鎭掑妼濞呮劙鏌熼崙銈嗗

  • 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柣鎴eГ閸婂潡鏌ㄩ弴鐐测偓鍝ョ不閺嶎厽鐓曟い鎰剁稻缁€鈧紒鐐劤濞尖€愁嚕閸洖閱囨繛鎴灻‖澶娾攽閻愬弶鍣藉┑鐐╁亾闂佸搫琚崐婵嬬嵁娓氣偓楠炴帡骞嬪┑鍡╂渐濠电姷鏁搁崑娑㈠箠閹邦厾绠鹃柍褜鍓熼弻锛勪沪缁洖浜鹃柟棰佺閹垿鏌熼懖鈺勊夐柍褜鍓欑壕顓㈩敊閹邦厾绡€缁剧増蓱椤﹪鏌涚€n亝鍤囬柡浣割儔濮婂宕惰濡偓闂佸搫鐭夌紞渚€鐛鈧幖褰掝敃閿濆懘妫烽梻鍌欑濠€閬嶅疾椤愶絾鍙忛柣銏⑶规闂佸憡娲﹂崹閬嶅疾濠婂牊鐓曢煫鍥ㄦ礀鐢埖銇勮箛銉﹀

  • 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾瑰瀣捣閻棗銆掑锝呬壕濡ょ姷鍋為悧鐘汇€侀弴銏℃櫇闁逞屽墰婢规洝銇愰幒鎾跺幗闂佺鎻徊楣兯夋径宀€妫い鎾寸☉娴滈箖姊婚崒娆戭槮闁硅绻濆畷婵嬪即閻愬秶鍠愮换婵嬪磼濡嘲浜鹃柟鐑樻尵缁♀偓濠殿喗锕╅崢楣冨储閸楃儐娓婚柕鍫濇婵倿鏌涙繝鍐╃鐎殿喖鎲¢幆鏃堟晲閸モ晪绱查梻浣告啞閹搁绮堟担鍦浄闂侇剙绉甸悡娆愩亜閺冨倻鎽傛繛鍫熸閺屽秹鎸婃径妯恍﹂梺瀹狀嚙缁夊綊骞栬ぐ鎺濇晝闁靛浚婢€缁辨繈姊绘担鐑樺殌闁搞垼灏欓幑銏狀潨閳ь剙顕i锕€绠荤紓浣股戝▍銏ゆ⒑鐠恒劌娅愰柟鍑ゆ嫹

  • 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾瑰瀣椤愯姤鎱ㄥ鍡楀幊缂傚倹姘ㄧ槐鎾存媴婵垼鍋愰幑銏ゅ幢濞戞瑧鍘遍梺闈涱檧缁茶姤淇婇懞銉х闁告侗鍨版牎婵烇絽娲ら敃顏呬繆閸洖宸濇い鏂垮悑椤忕娀姊绘担鑺ヮ棄闁哥喍鍗冲畷浼村冀椤撶偠鎽曢梺鎸庣箓椤︻垳鐚惧澶嬬厱閻忕偞宕樻竟妯好归悩缈呯細缂佽鲸鎸婚幏鍛村箵閹哄秴顥氭繝鐢靛О閸ㄥジ宕洪弽顓炵闁哄稁鍘介崑鍌炵叓閸ャ劍灏ㄩ柡鈧禒瀣厽婵☆垰鐏濋惃铏圭磼閻樿櫕銇濋柡灞剧☉椤繈顢楅埀顒勫焵椤掆偓濞尖€愁嚕鐠囨祴妲堟慨姗堢到娴滈箖鏌ㄥ┑鍡涱€楀ù婊勭箘閳ь剝顫夊ú鏍儗閸岀偛钃熼柍鈺佸暞婵挳鎮峰▎蹇擃仼缁剧偓濞婂鐑樻姜閹殿喖濡介梺鍦嚀濞差厼顕i锕€绠荤紓浣股戝▍銏ゆ⒑鐠恒劌娅愰柟鍑ゆ嫹

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    缂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸閻ゎ喗銇勯弽顐粶闁搞劌鍊婚幉鎼佹偋閸繄鐟查梺绋款儑閸犳劙濡甸崟顖氬唨闁靛ě浣插亾閹烘挶浜滈柍鍝勫暙閸樻挳鏌熼绛嬫疁闁轰焦鍔栭幆鏃堝灳閹颁焦楠勯梻鍌欑劍濡炲潡宕h箛娑樼闁跨噦鎷� - 闂傚倸鍊搁崐椋庣矆娴h櫣绀婂┑鐘叉搐缂佲晠寮堕崼姘珖闁活厽鐟╅弻鈥愁吋閸愩劌顬嬪銈傛櫇閸忔﹢寮婚悢鍏煎€绘慨妤€妫欓悾鍫曟煟閻斿摜鎳曢梻鍕婵$敻宕熼姘敤闂侀潧枪閸庢煡鎮块崶銊х閻庣數枪椤庢捇鏌熼崙銈嗗 - 濠电姴鐥夐弶搴撳亾濡や焦鍙忛柣鎴f绾剧粯绻涢幋娆忕仾闁稿﹨鍩栫换婵嬫濞戝崬鍓扮紓浣哄Х閸犳牠寮婚妸鈺傚亜闁告繂瀚呴姀銈嗗€垫慨姗嗗墻濡叉椽鏌嶈閸撴瑧绮诲澶婄?闂侇剙绉寸粻鐘诲箹閹碱厾鍘滅紓宥嗙墵閺屻劑鎮ら崒娑橆伓 - 缂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸閻ゎ喗銇勯弽顐粶闁搞劌鍊婚幉鎼佹偋閸繄鐟查梺绋款儑閸犳劙濡甸崟顖氬唨闁靛ě浣插亾閹烘鐓熸繝闈涙閸╋綁鏌″畝瀣埌閾绘牠鏌嶈閸撶喖骞冭缁绘繈宕舵搴b棨闂備浇娉曢崳锕傚箯閿燂拷 - 闂傚倸鍊搁崐宄懊归崶銊х彾闁割偆鍠嗘禒鍫㈢磼鐎n偒鍎ユ繛鍏肩墪閳规垿鎮╁畷鍥舵殹闂佺粯甯$粻鏍蓟閻旇櫣纾奸柕蹇曞У閻忓牆鈹戦埥鍡椾簼闁挎洏鍨藉濠氭晲婢跺浜滅紓浣割儐椤戞瑥螞閸℃瑧纾肩紓浣靛灩楠炴劙鏌涚€h埖瀚� - 婵犵數濮烽弫鎼佸磻閻愬搫鍨傞柛顐f礀缁犲綊鏌嶉崫鍕櫣闁稿被鍔戦弻锝夊箻閾忣偅宕抽梺鍝勬4缁犳捇寮婚敓鐘茬倞闁宠桨鐒﹂悘浣割渻閵堝倹娅嗛柣鎿勭節瀵鏁愭径濠勵吅闂佺粯鍔戦崝搴f閺夊簱鏀芥い鏇炴閸掍即鏌i鐐测偓鍨嚕鐠囨祴妲堟繝濠傛噽閺夋悂姊虹憴鍕姢闁汇倕娲畷娲倷閻戞ǚ鎷虹紒缁㈠幖閹冲繘鎳欒ぐ鎺撶厱婵°倐鍋撻柛鐔锋健閹箖鎮滈挊澶愬敹闂佸搫娲ㄩ崑鐔碱敇濞差亝鈷戦柣鐔哄閹牏绱掓径濠傤暢缂侇喛顕ч~婵嬫嚋绾版ɑ瀚奸梺鑽ゅТ濞茬娀鍩€椤掆偓閸熻法鈧冻缍佸娲礈閼碱剙甯ラ梺鎼炲姂娴滃爼濡撮崘顔嘉ㄩ柍杞拌兌閸婄偤姊洪棃娴ゆ盯鍩€椤掑嫬鍑犻柡宓偓閺€鑺ャ亜閺冨浂娼¢柣鐔稿閺嬫牗绻涢幋娆忕仼缂佲偓婢舵劖鐓忓璇″灠閹虫劙鏁嶅┑瀣拺闁告稑锕ゆ慨鈧梺鍝勬噺閻╊垶骞冨鈧崺锟犲川椤旀儳骞楁繝鐢靛Т閻忔岸宕濋弴銏″€堕柨娑樺閸嬫捇宕归锝囧嚒闁诲孩纰嶅姗€鎮鹃悜钘夐唶闁哄洦銇涢崑鎾绘晝閸屾氨顓洪梺缁樺姇閻°劌鈻撴總鍛娾拻闁稿本鐟чˇ锕傛煙鐠囇呯瘈闁诡喚鍏樻俊鐑藉煛娴e憡鍎梻浣告惈缁嬩線宕戦崨杈剧稏闁哄洢鍨洪悡鐔镐繆閵堝倸浜鹃梺缁橆殔缁绘﹢濡撮崨鏉戣摕闁靛濡囬崢浠嬫⒑缂佹ê濮堝鐟版椤㈡梻绮甸崱妯肩瘈闁汇垽娼цⅷ闂佹悶鍔岄妶鎼併€佸▎鎾崇疀闁哄娉曢鍡涙⒑鐠恒劌娅愰柟鍑ゆ嫹11001042闂傚倸鍊搁崐椋庣矆娓氣偓楠炲鏁撻悩鍐蹭画闂備緡鍓欑粔瀵哥不椤栫偞鐓ラ柣鏇炲€圭€氾拷
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